Welcome to the book: ‘In Bed With Adam & Eve’
Are you looking for a self-help guide that will help you to understand the psychological world of your marriage better? Welcome to ‘In Bed with Adam and Eve’. A guaranteed fascinating read with links to couples and principles from the Bible. Written in an accessible format, it’s a must-read for all couples, but will resonate with Christians in particular.
Starting Your Journey & Fulfilling Your Hopes
Welcome to the start of exploring what ‘In Bed with Adam & Eve’ could unlock for you and your couple relationship.
We know that HOPE is important, whether you are hoping to see your couple relationship grow and reach its full potential, whether you hope to understand some of the problematic patterns in your marriage better and make changes, whether you are hoping to experience a more meaningful, erotic sex life with your spouse, or whether you’re recently married and hoping to make sense of the range of emotions that marriage brings to the surface. You may be aware of the Bible verse with hope in that is often read at weddings: “Three things will last forever – faith, hope, and love – and the greatest of these is love.” 1 CORINTHIANS 13:13. Hope sandwiched in the middle between faith and love can sometimes get overlooked and seem less important, when really it is so vital in keeping the heart of our relationship alive and well. My desire is that your hopes for your marriage, whatever they may be, are realised through reading my book: ‘In Bed with Adam & Eve’.
Unique Discoveries & Connections for Your Marriage
My husband asked me, “What do couples get from reading your books in just two words?”. I thought for a moment and said “Healthy Marriage”. Couples also get an in-depth psychological book with some fascinating links to couples from the Bible, which will bring the psychological principles and Bible stories to life in new, meaningful ways.
Getting into bed with Adam & Eve means that we’ll be uncovering the following: important couple relationship issues connected with intimacy and desire; how to be an individual ANDpart of a couple; encountering conflict; how to psychologically process resentment and forgiveness; how to helpfully manage the ideals that you hold for your couple relationship; and reasons why you’re drawn to your spouse, including your own unique ‘couple fit’ and much more.
Couples are provided with the tools to explore key issues with psychological self-help exercises at the end of each chapter and additional spiritually directed exercises focusing on Bible verses, prayer, and meditation.
I’ve attempted to write the book in a way that would be accessible to non-Christian couples, as I’ve introduced interesting stories about couples from the Bible in a way that doesn’t assume any prior knowledge. My hope is that they act as interesting, historical, case studies of couple relationships that we can learn from. I’ve purposefully kept the psychological self-help exercises and spiritual exercises at the end of each chapter separate, allowing couples to skip the spiritual exercises if they do not have an active faith. The spiritual exercises are there to help Christian couples connect the psychological content of the chapters with the spiritual side of their life, and allow time and space for prayer. The psychological self-help exercises support couples to gain a better understanding of their relationship, make changes, and try out adventurous, new ways of relating – emotionally, sexually, and practically